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FBG monitoring systems for hydraulic structures

Any sophisticated construction requires constant tracking of its technical condition to detect inconsistencies between the projected calculations and the actual working parameters and to evaluate its compliance to the established standard. Currently, the most used sensors to monitor hydraulic structures are stringer transducers that perform very well under various climate conditions, especially in the areas of deep-frozen soil. However, the increasing sophistication of modern constructions is more demanding in terms of monitoring standards. Often it is no longer sufficient to use regular sensors. Hence, a new type of monitoring with fiber optic devices was created.

The length of these constructions and its complex structure demand special fiber optic devices monitor its safety. One of the most complicated constructions to place the fiber optic solutions is a hydro-electric power station. FBG sensors can be placed in the structures where regular stringer transducers fail, for example, in long shafts and tunnels. On top of that, fiber optic solutions are completely fire-safe, resistant to electromagnetic fields and radiation, and other interferences.

Tunnels in hydro-electric power stations can be equipped with the following fiber optic devices: FBG sensors for deformation, temperature, displacement, and pressure sensors. The deformation sensor is measuring the condition of the steel reinforcing, and it embedded on its surface. The sensor is covered with the isolating material to avoid the impact of the concrete. An additional temperature sensor is installed in the same location to track temperature changes that affect deformation. A displacement sensor is used to measure the joint opening between steel compression and a ram. The pressure sensor is used to measure the water pressure in the tunnel.

Optromix offers a variety of fiber optic solutions, and we will write a tailored FBG based on your specific needs.


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