Fiber Bragg grating sensors in smart cities

The infrastructure of modern cities is becoming increasingly more complex; it includes roads, pavements, railways, tunnels, and ducts. These structures are not only made of composite materials in which behavior under harsh environments can often be unpredictable, but they also interconnect. These systems are subjected to extreme environmental conditions, like severe winds, earthquakes, flooding, etc.; due to this, they are susceptible to catastrophic failure.

One of the main aspects of any smart city is safety. The transportation network needs to be assessed through gathering data on roadway conditions, like dangerous conditions due to roadway degradation, icing, and hydroplaning. Autonomous data gathering is vital for the safety and efficiency of the transportation network. The data gathered gives information on the inevitable roadway and infrastructure degradation over time, which enables informed decisions for life extension or timely replacement of these critical systems.

Computational tools are often not adequate for the task of condition assessment of complex infrastructure systems. These tools lack the capability to reliably predict response to extreme events. Therefore, a distributed sensor system is needed in order to ensure the safety and longevity of infrastructures in a smart city. The sensing system should also be capable of providing critical information to computational models to enable informed maintenance planning as opposed to the reactive maintenance schemes currently employed.

Fiber optic sensing systems provide the most efficient and economical solution. Fiber optic systems allow for the assessment of thousands of sensors in real-time on a single cable. FBG sensor systems are well-suited to the detection and recording

of critical structural response characteristics as well as environmental indicators that lead to degradation. FBG strain sensors are useful in the process of assessing the response to stressors, e.g. traffic, wind, earthquakes, blast events, support settlement, etc. Distributed acoustic sensing is ideal for the direct assessment of localized damage in steel and reinforced concrete that may occur due to seismic events, fatigue cracking, corrosion, etc. FBG sensors are also ideal for monitoring of weather conditions, as the presence of entrapped moisture in asphalt paving systems, as they are often the main cause of the rapid degradation.

Optromix is a fast-growing vendor of fiber Bragg grating (FBG) products line: FBG sensors, FBG interrogators, and multiplexers, Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) systems. We create and supply a broad variety of top-notch fiber optic solutions for the monitoring of various facilities all over the world. We provide a distributed acoustic sensing system that is much less expensive than other analogous systems present on the market.

If you are interested in Optromix distributed acoustic sensing system or Optromix FBG sensor systems, please contact us at

Fiber Bragg grating strain sensors for structural health monitoring

Fiber Bragg gratings stand out among other fiber optic sensors as the most developed and prominent technology for the measurement of strain, vibrations, temperature, and pressure. FBG sensors have attracted significant interest in structural health monitoring due to numerous advantageous properties:

  1.  immunity to electromagnetic interference;
  2. intrinsic fire safety;
  3. low invasiveness;
  4. minimum aesthetic impact;
  5. possibility to send the data remotely using the same sensing fiber.

There are multiple sensing advantages that FBG sensors provide. First of all, FBG sensors perform with an excellent balance between complexity and performance, which is one of the most attractive qualities of fiber Bragg grating sensors for structural health monitoring. Secondly, FBG sensors are able to work in low signal-to-noise ratios better than other optic sensors. Moreover, fiber Bragg grating sensors are predictable and less dependent on the temperature of the surrounding environment, as well as are well-suited for multiplexed optical sensor networks.

Over the past decade, structural health monitoring has attracted a lot of attention as modern technology develops, and new materials and compounds are used in the construction of buildings and structures. Structural health monitoring involves the collection and analysis of information obtained through measurements of the structure. The results of data analysis are used to assess the damage and evaluate the performance of the structure under harsh conditions.

FBG sensor structural health monitoring has become an important tool for assessing the performance of different structures and measurements of temperature, strain, pressure, displacement, etc.

Fiber optic strain gauge is welded directly to the surface of the metal structure (pipes, beams, etc.), and it has a protective silicone cover. Fiber optic strain sensors are durable and stable, widely used for civil engineering constructions, particularly they reinforce concrete structures exceptionally well.

Fiber Bragg Grating strain sensors demonstrate lots of advantages compared to the regular electrical strain gauges. Namely, they are immune to electromagnetic interference and power shortages. Compact size devices provide the most accurate measurements. FBGs are, literally, the best strain sensors right now.

If you would like to purchase Optromix FBG Strain Sensors, please contact us: or +1 617 558 9858

Fast fiber Bragg grating sensors

Numerous advantages of fiber Bragg grating sensors, like compact size, passive nature, immunity to electromagnetic interference, the capability to directly measuring physical parameters such as temperature and strain, have inspired researchers to develop FBG sensor systems for applications outside laboratories. FBG sensors are now used in mainstream sensing technology applications. One of the recent developments in fiber Bragg grating technology is FBG sensors based on femtosecond lasers. These sensors are promising for use in extreme environments, such as high temperatures, high pressures, and ionizing radiation. Multiple industries might benefit from fast FBG sensors, like energy production applications.

Fiber Bragg grating temperature sensors that are inscribed with femtosecond lasers are stable up to the fiberglass transition temperature.

FBG sensors that are thermally stable can be used in a variety of applications. For example, stable FBG temperature sensors are optimal for sensing in extreme conditions that are often present within power plants, combustion systems, turbines, and in the aerospace sector. Regular FBG sensors do not perform optimally under extreme temperatures as they are hampered by optical losses that are a result of ingress of high-temperature hydrogen gas. However, FBG sensing arrays are difficult to produce in pure silica core fiber. The use of pure silica prevents the detrimental effects that hydrogen gas has on the fiber.

Fast FBG-based sensors have already been tested at a power generation plant. Many energy production processes require accurate temperature measurements that are difficult to realize with standard sensor technology, like electronic thermocouples. The advantages of FBG temperature sensors deployment are ease of installation, high density of sensing points, more rapid response to thermal changes, etc. Overall, fast FBG temperature sensors are an optimal solution for extreme environments, including high temperatures and high pressures. They are easy to install, maintain, are cost-effective, and accurate.

Optromix is a fast-growing vendor of fiber Bragg grating (FBG) products line: fiber Bragg grating sensors, FBG interrogators, and multiplexers, Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) systems. We create and supply a broad variety of top-notch fiber optic solutions for the monitoring of various facilities all over the world.

If you are interested in Optromix fiber Bragg grating temperature sensors, please contact us at

Measurement of strain with strain gauges and FBG strain sensors

The relationship between stress put on a material and the resulting deformation is defined by Hooke’s Law that has been around since 1678. Different techniques and technologies have been used to measure the law over different periods of time. In the past mechanical strain gauges have been used to measure strain applied to a material. The first strain gauges were analog. Some of these devices, like springs and levers, are still used today, but they are not accurate enough as the strain applied to the material would have to be quite high for the device to register it. Strain gauges have a number of disadvantages, one of them being the need to be clamped firmly so the device didn’t move which causes an inaccurate reading.

The next step in strain measurement techniques were resistive strain gauges, the most common of which are foil resistive gauges. These devices are better than the previous model as they are sensitive, accurate, easier to produce. However, the lack of foil elasticity poses limitations on the device, for example, resistive strain gauges cannot be used for ductile materials. To overcome this downside conductive material can be added to elastomers for a stretchier gauge.

The best solution that has been developed so far for strain measurements are fiber Bragg grating strain sensors. They are still catching on as their initial price and lack of awareness slowed their adoption among industry professionals. However, the price of FBG strain sensors is dropping every year which is tied with the level of development of fiber optic technology.

The low price of FBG sensors makes them available for different applications, some of which include automotive, medical, aerospace, and energy markets. FBG strain sensors have been found to be useful in aerospace applications where they are used to determine wing loading while providing accurate fuel readings. Civil engineers utilize FBG sensors for structural health monitoring. The operational life of vehicles can be determined with the use of FBG sensors that are widely utilized by automotive designers. FBG strain sensors are lighter, easier to install, and less expensive than strain gauges.

Optromix, Inc. is a U.S. manufacturer of innovative fiber optic products for the global market, based in Cambridge, MA. Our team always strives to provide the most technologically advanced fiber optic solutions for our clients.

Optromix is a fast-growing vendor of fiber Bragg grating (FBG) products line: fiber Bragg grating sensors, FBG interrogators, and multiplexers, Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) systems. We create and supply a broad variety of top-notch fiber optic solutions for the monitoring of various facilities all over the world.

If you are interested in Optromix FBG strain sensors, please contact us at

Fiber Bragg grating sensor systems in structural health monitoring

FBG sensors for structural health monitoringA traditional way of monitoring structural health is through the use of piezoelectric transducers; these devices convert pressure to an electric voltage. Transducers are reliable and accurate in most working conditions except in cases of corrosive environments or under high temperatures, above 300° Celsius. Harsh conditions influence reliability.  accuracy, and usefulness of transducers in a negative way.

A new solution for structural health monitoring has been developed to accommodate the needs of the industry. Fiber-optic based technology, like fiber Bragg grating sensors, are more reliable under harsh conditions such as high temperatures and corrosive environments; they are immune to electromagnetic interference that is detrimental to piezoelectric transducers’ operation. FBG sensors are designed to operate under harsh conditions and provide reliable data. Fiber Bragg grating sensors are able to measure a variety of factors, such as temperature, strain, pressure, the appearance of cracks, etc.

The reliability of FBG sensors for structural health monitoring is ensured by the simplicity of the optical fiber material—fused silica—that forms the fiber. FBG strain sensors and FBG pressure sensors are especially useful in monitoring the condition of critical infrastructures operating under harsh environments, such as modern superheaters or nuclear power plants, thus ensuring the continuous operation of power plants, preventing catastrophic consequences of structural failures.

One of the applications of FBG sensors is the monitoring of the P91 pipes widely used in the industry. These pipes transmit high-pressure steam, which is both high-temperature and corrosive. Fiber Bragg grating temperature sensors indicate overheated pipes that may be under too much stress. FBG pressure sensors are used to detect critical increases in pressure within pipes to prevent premature breakdown of the systems.

One of the advantages of fiber Bragg grating sensing systems is its cost-effectiveness. FBG sensors’ price is low compared to other methods of temperature, strain, and pressure measurements.

Optromix is a fast-growing vendor of fiber Bragg grating (FBG) products line: fiber Bragg grating sensors, FBG interrogators, and multiplexers, Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) systems. We create and supply a broad variety of top-notch fiber optic solutions for the monitoring of various facilities all over the world.

If you are interested in Optromix FBG sensors, please contact us at

Crack monitoring of wind turbine foundations using FBG strain sensors

FBG strain sensors for crack monitoringThe increased demand for energy due to the growing population has forced the industry to develop new sustainable ways to produce energy. Among new and developing energy technologies are wind turbines. They are widely used to produce energy in many parts of the world. However, there are multiple concerns that are yet to be solved, one of them has been the lack of effective monitoring devices and techniques. Structural health monitoring of wind turbines is needed to ensure that the infrastructure around wind power remains reliable. It is crucial to monitor the operation of wind turbines to ensure effective wind power generation and avoid costly downtimes.

Besides monitoring of wind turbine temperatures, which can be effectively performed with the use of FBG temperature sensors, the monitoring of wind turbine foundations can prevent premature decay of the foundations and prolong the operational time of the turbines. Often the access to the underground part of the foundations is limited, therefore the degradation of onshore, reinforced-concrete wind turbine foundations is assessed via above-ground inspections, or through excavations that suspend energy generation. Sustained measurements of crack behavior could be used to quantify the risk of water ingress and reinforcement corrosion. However, the cracks that occur during turbine operation are not monitored. A solution to this issue is the use of fiber Bragg grating sensors.

Subterranean fiber Bragg grating strain sensors can be used to monitor the opening and lateral displacements of foundation cracks during wind turbine operation. Cracks that occur in the foundation of the turbines are often caused by the vibrations that are produced by turbines themselves. Therefore crack displacement results that are obtained via FBG strain sensors installed on the foundations are correlated with the strains measured by the second series of FBG sensors affixed to the turbine tower and verified against wind speed and turbine data from the operator.

The use of FBG strain sensors can be used to better assess the risks of water ingress and subsequent corrosion of the foundation’s steel reinforcement. The data obtained by fiber Bragg grating sensors may help engineers to more accurately determine the current asset lifetime and the design and construction of foundations in the future.

Fiber Bragg grating strain sensors demonstrate lots of advantages compared to the regular electrical strain gauges. Namely, they are immune to electromagnetic interference and power shortages. Compact size devices provide the most accurate measurements. FBGs are, literally, the best strain sensors right now.

If you would like to purchase Optromix FBG Strain Sensors, please contact us: or +1 617 558 9858

Fiber Bragg grating sensors for harsh environments

FBG sensors for harsh environmentsThe demand for data is growing exponentially, piling pressure on networks to deliver more data, faster, over longer distances. Fiber optic systems have greatly improved data transfer and the gathering of information. However, complex applications require fiber optic systems to perform flawlessly, therefore, the choice of the right sensors is crucial.

The design of innovative fiber Bragg grating sensor systems has been pushed by the new societal and technological trends, such as increased mobility. Customers are looking for more data that is delivered faster both indoors and outdoors. Fiber optic sensing systems provide an easy way to install fast and reliable data links that are able to carry large amounts of data. The use of FBG sensors is expanding rapidly as they are adapted to harsh and extreme environments. It is important, however, that customers determine specific technical requirements and evaluate the possible conditions of use. FBG sensors systems provide multiple advantages that determine their wide application use. First of all, FBG sensors are able to withstand extremely high and low temperatures in a range of -40°C to +85°C. FBG sensor systems are immune to corrosion, are resistant to salt mist, vibration, and shock. The sensors are easy to handle and mount on any surface, and their coating protects them from any outside influence and significantly reduces maintenance.      

One of the areas of application of FBG sensing systems is the oil and gas industry. FBG sensors are used to decrease costly downtimes and accidents during the extraction of natural resources in hazardous offshore and onshore environments. The dependable operation of FBG sensors allows for efficient extraction. Fiber Bragg grating sensors have also improved the performance of seismic evaluation devices, monitoring, and infrastructure maintenance.

Optromix, Inc. is a U.S. manufacturer of innovative fiber optic products for the global market, based in Cambridge, MA. Our team always strives to provide the most technologically advanced fiber optic solutions for our clients.

We are dedicated to delivering the best products and supports to all our customers, our engineers have extensive experience and strong technical expertise in creating fiber Bragg grating products.

If you would like to purchase FBG sensors, please contact us: or +1 617 558 9858

Fiber Bragg grating sensors in for the monitoring of storage nuclear fuel pools

FBG sensors for nuclear fuel monitoringRecent events in the nuclear industry have shown the weaknesses in the control of the critical systems that ensure the safety of the nuclear plant. The extreme and accidental conditions, such as high temperatures and high levels of radiation sabotage the security of nuclear power plants, leading to major disasters. The main issue for the nuclear industry is to enhance the security of existing nuclear power plants and improve the design of the future ones. In the case of emergency or accidental conditions in nuclear reactors the following thermodynamic parameters need to be known in order to facilitate appropriate actions: temperature, pressure, water level, radiation level. The accuracy of the obtained information directly influences the decisions made by the operators. The monitoring instruments used inside the nuclear fuel pools need to better withstand severe conditions that occur during malfunctions and accidents, namely high temperatures and high levels of radiation. The strict safety regulations have pushed the fiber optic market to develop sensors based on optical fibers. Optical fiber sensors, like FBG sensors and DTS systems, have attracted interest from the nuclear plant industry for their ability to withstand harsh conditions.

Optical fiber properties depend on the temperature, strain, pressure, etc., therefore the fiber itself can be used as a sensitive element of the sensor. FBG sensors have been tested in various harsh environments and have shown consistent resistance to various harsh conditions. The immunity of FBG sensors to high temperatures, high levels of radiation, electromagnetic influence makes them an ideal monitoring solution for nuclear power plants. FBG sensors are easily mounted on any surface, are cost-effective, and require low maintenance.

There are several types of FBG sensor types that are designed to measure specific parameters. FBG temperature sensors provide long-range, long-term deployments, have a long reliability period, and have a compact size. FBG temperature sensors also provide the fastest response rate, which is especially important for emergencies and accidents.

Fiber Bragg grating (FBG) pressure sensors perform spectral analysis of the reflected wavelength to measure different parameters. Like all fiber optic sensors, FBG pressure sensors are compact and portable. FBG pressure sensors can measure high-speed events, which is essential for the localization of malfunctions inside the nuclear fuel pots.

The ability to withstand harsh conditions is the most attractive quality of FBG sensors. The use of sensors based on fiber optic technology has the potential to significantly increase the security of nuclear power plants.

Optromix is a fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensor, vendor. We create advanced fiber optic technologies and our client’s satisfaction is our top priority. We deliver cutting-edge hi-tech products, yet we offer competitive pricing and rapid delivery time. If you want to purchase FBG temperature sensors, FBG pressure sensors, please contact us at

Fiber Bragg grating strain sensors in prototype testing

FBG strain sensors in prototype testingStrain measurement is imperative during prototype design and testing. Strain measurements ensure that materials perform as they should and that the equipment is safe and durable. Measuring strain is crucial for testing complex structures, like aircraft, turbines, etc. There are multiple ways in which stress can be measured; however, it is widely accepted that FBG sensors are the most efficient way of strain measurement. FBG sensors provide multiple advantages over other methods: 1) high sensitivity; 2) small size; 3) ability to be mounted on any surface; 4) immunity to electromagnetic interference; 5) reliability even in harsh environments; 6) low sensitivity to vibration and heat.

FBG strain sensors are used in wing load testing to determine the structure’s performance and possible limitations under the lifting forces during flight. There are several benefits that FBG strain sensors offer to the aerospace field for this type of application. For instance, FBG technology provides strain measurement using a big number of continuous sensors which ensures maximum coverage from a single optical fiber. The immunity to electromagnetic interference, radio frequency interference, and other electrical influences makes FBG strain sensors ideal for use in hazardous environments, such as flight. Moreover, FBG sensors are less cumbersome to install. In addition, the FBG strain sensor prices are expected to decrease by 20% which will open up new opportunities for various markets.

The repeated loading and unloading of material causes fatigue. It is estimated that around 90% of structural failures are a result of fatigue. To determine the breaking point of a structure, fatigue tests are performed. The tests indicate the number of loading cycles until failure. FBG sensors are able to provide real-time data on strain fields and load distributions. The immunity to both low and high temperatures enables the sensors to be monitored during the high-temperature cure phase of composite fabrication. The fatigue life of an FBG strain sensor far surpasses that of other methods of strain measurement.

The tendency to build longer wind turbines with longer blades complicates the maintenance. The design of stronger, lighter materials is necessary, however small imperfections during the manufacturing process can cause failures. FBG strain sensors may provide real-time knowledge of load distributions and turbine blade shape. This data will provide valuable information on the needed adjustments to the blades manufacturing.

Optromix, Inc. is a U.S. manufacturer of innovative fiber optic products for the global market, based in Cambridge, MA. Our team always strives to provide the most technologically advanced fiber optic solutions for our clients. Our main goal is to deliver the best quality fiber optic products to our clients. We produce a wide range of fiber optic devices, including our cutting edge customized fiber optic Bragg grating product line and fiber Bragg grating sensor systems. If you have any question about FBG strain sensors, please contact as

Fiber Bragg grating sensors in aerospace applications

FBG sensors in aerospace applicationsAll engineering infrastructures undergo aging. The damage that appears over time is a consequence of the loads applied to them, therefore regular maintenance actions are required in order to predict the lifetime of these structures and lengthen it, which, in turn, will aid in avoiding catastrophic failures. Aviation-related infrastructures demand the highest levels of damage detection as these structures are overwhelmingly built according to a damage-tolerant principle. The structures for aerospace are designed to withstand damages with certain characteristics. Damage-tolerant design involves considerable effort for structure inspection. The inspections and maintenance tasks need to be periodic and scheduled; these are essential for safe and efficient operations.

Automation of the inspection processes is a point of capital importance to reduce inspection efforts, as maintenance is time-consuming and costly. Fiber Bragg grating sensor systems can perform real-time inspection which leads to a reduction of maintenance costs and improved the reliability and performance of the structures. Therefore, there is great interest in developing FBG sensors from the industry and academia. The most promising sensors are FBG strain sensors, FBG temperature sensors, FBG accelerometers, etc.

The intrinsic capabilities of FBG sensors, such as insensitivity to electromagnetic radiation, lightweight, small size, high sensitivity and resolution, and, most importantly, their suitability to be embedded into structures, make them suitable for most aerospace applications.

Among different approaches to a maintenance system based on FBG sensors deployment are: 1) single-point sensors; 2) distributed sensing, including distributed temperature systems. Distributed temperature sensing (DTS) systems are optoelectronic devices that measure temperatures by means of optical fibers functioning as linear sensors. Temperatures are recorded along the optical sensor cable, thus not at points, but as a continuous profile. High accuracy of temperature determination is accomplished over great distances.

The successful application of FBG sensors to aircraft requires the sensors to provide reliable and accurate information about the condition of the structure and to reduce economic losses caused by unproductive downtimes. At this moment, FBG sensors and FBG based systems, such as DTS, are the most appropriate solution to most aerospace needs.

Optromix will write a tailored fiber Bragg grating-based on your specific requirements, which can be used with any type of optical fiber sensor technology. We will make sure to analyze your fiber optic applications and deliver the most suitable solution.

If you would like to purchase FBGs, please contact us: or +1 617 558 9858